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Democratic Republic of Congo: Jonathan’s story

The precious family photo is wrapped in plastic, and Jonathan handles it carefully. It’s all he and his 17-year-old brother, Kambale, have to remember happier times…

“They killed my father, mother and most of my siblings,” said Jonathan.

Kambale was hiding in the home when Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) militia attacked. Now, he’s deeply traumatised. “It’s hard for my brother to talk about it,” said Jonathan. “I ask how he survived when the other children were killed in the bed. He hid, but he saw everything.”

The brothers are among 16.2 million people across Sub-Saharan Africa displaced by persecution and violence. After the attack, they left their village in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and moved to a temporary camp.

Life is difficult, but Jonathan does his best to care for his brother. He leaves early to go to school, then looks for work and hopes he can earn enough to feed himself and Kambale that day.

The situation has taken its toll on his faith. “My spiritual life has changed since my parents died,” said Jonathan. “I don’t go to church anymore. If I went to church, I wouldn’t have time to earn the money we need.”

please pray

  • Pray for survivors like Kambale, traumatised by the atrocities they’ve witnesses. Ask God to heal them.
  • Pray for Jonathan, that his physical needs will be met and he will turn back to Jesus.

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