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About Arise Africa

A global campaign to stop the violent persecution in Sub-Saharan Africa, and start the healing.

What’s the problem?

Out of every 10 Christians murdered for their faith across the world, nine are killed in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Christians in the region are being persecuted on a scale never seen before. Murder, torture and kidnapping are an everyday threat. Islamic extremists want to destroy the church and are using unthinkable violence.

What’s happening is unprecedented and it’s wrecking lives. The very survival of the church is at risk – unless we act.

Why isn’t this headline news?

It’s under-reported in the media. Relatively few people are aware of the extreme violence. Without more attention, nothing will change – and Christians won’t get the help they need.

What’s the aim of the Arise Africa campaign?

Churches in Sub-Saharan Africa are calling upon the body of Christ around the world to stand with them, as one, to stop the violence and start the healing.

Our goal is to join them in raising a million leaves – prayers and petitions – to strengthen African Christians and bring the world’s attention to the violence suffered by followers of Jesus in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The Arise Africa campaign seeks to raise awareness and inspire you to act.

We invite you to stand up to violent persecution in Sub-Saharan Africa, alongside your brothers and sisters, today.

Over four years, Open Doors aims to support four million persecuted Christians in Africa spiritually, physically and emotionally. We want to help the church persevere through persecution, and be resilient, resourceful and influential.

Through a global petition, we call upon the global community to ensure that Christians and other vulnerable individuals in Sub-Saharan Africa are treated with dignity and respect through:

  1. Protection

    Providing robust protection from violent militant attacks

  2. Justice

    Ensuring justice through fair prosecutions of the attackers

  3. Restoration

    Bring healing and restoration to all affected communities

We aim to present this petition to the United Nations and local governments around the world by 2026.

Petitions, when supported by a large number of signatories, can:

  • Raise awareness: Highlight issues on a global platform, attracting media attention and public interest.
  • Open doors: A collective knock from a million people shows the demand for action, encouraging those in positions of influence to address the issues.
  • Unify efforts: Unite people around a cause, building a community of support and shared purpose.
  • Pressure for change: Increase pressure on governments and organizations to take action.

Consider this: a single candle can be overlooked, but a million candles together create a blaze that lights up the night and cannot be ignored.

Join us by adding your voice today.

Arise Africa is a campaign run by Open Doors in partnership with the Association of Evangelicals in Africa, among others.

What can I do?

  1. Call for change by adding your voice.

    Demand that governments acknowledge violent persecution and act against it.

  2. Add your prayer to the interactive prayer tree.

    Show we are united, as one, against violent persecution.